Providing Urban Aboriginal People
with the tools to achieve a balanced holistic lifestyle
Since 1972 the Hamilton Regional Indian Centre, has been providing the Indigenous community with a place to gather, access service and participate in Cultural teachings and practices. The Friendship Centre provides wrap around services in a culturally safe environment to help rebuild trust and provide a sense of belonging, allowing healing to take place. Indigenous service delivery agencies must have autonomy to implement and provide supports to make meaningful impact as we know the distinct needs of our community members and how to address them. As Indigenous people ourselves, only we can fully and successfully undertake the work to intervene and reverse the significant impacts of colonialism on our people.
Meeting People Where They Are At
Youth and Employment Program
The purpose of the Provincial Youth Outreach Worker (YOW) program is to help marginalized and at-risk youth (12-25) and families better navigate and connect with services and pro social opportunities in their communities to improve youth outcomes.
Supports and Services
The Urban Indigenous Homeward Bound program uses a unique, innovative model to provide wrap around services to help mother-led families earn college diplomas, start careers, and achieve economic self-sufficiency.